2017 New York Flute Fair
The Notation is Not the Music
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Join us for a full day of concerts, masterclasses, the NYFC competition, workshops, clinics, exhibits, and more! Our guest artist is legendary flutist Barthold Kuijken.
Click here to download a printable flyer PROGRAM BOOK
Faculty House at Columbia University
(Enter through Wien Courtyard, off 116th Street between Amsterdam Avenue
and Morningside Drive)
New York, New York 10027
NYFC member $40
Non-member $60
Full-time student $25
Non-flutist family member attending with a full-time student $5
Senior citizen, age 65+ $25
The single fee covers the entire day’s events
All day, opening at 9:00 am. Pre-registration has closed.
Click here for an ONSITE REGISTRATION FORM to fill out and bring in on the day of the Fair.
CLICK HERE Note that all events are subject to change.
Featured Guest Artist: Barthold Kuijken

Photo by Dany Neirynck
Masterclass with Barthold Kuijken: 10:30am-12:30pm Internationally renowned for his scholarship and brilliant teaching, Mr. Kuijken will share his insights into early music. Three students will be selected to perform on modern flute. Interested flutists should send a recording of two contrasting works or movements, including one from the Baroque period, a short bio (up to 100 words), and their contact information to Masterclass Coordinator Yevgeny Faniuk by February 1.
Gala Artist Recital: 6:00 pm Our guest artist Barthold Kuijken performs works J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Handel, and Telemann with harpsichordist Dongsok Shin.
Mélange Recital: 12:30-1:30pm Flutist Wendy Stern, with Shelby Yamin and Joyce Lindorff, redefine the Baroque Trio Sonata in works by Cynthia Folio and Michael White; Gergely Ittzés performs Dohnányi, and is joined by Mindy Kaufman for a work by Cynthia Folio.
Flute Ensemble Celebration: 2:00-4:00pm A concert of ensembles from around the northeast, including DC Flutes, Lyra Ensemble, Uptown Flutes, Maliotis Chamber Players, the Abrahamsen Trio, and the NYFC Ensemble, celebrating the joy of flutists making music together.
Sounds of Spring: 2:30-3:30pm Metropolitan Opera principal flutists Demarre McGill and Erik Gratton, and Nadine Hur perform works by Ranjbaran, Schoenfield and Gaubert with pianist Soyeon Kim.
Winners of the 2017 Young Musicians Contest in Recital 10:00-10:45am
Student Ensembles Showcase Concert 11:00-11:45am
Workshops, Presentations and Special Events for Kids of All Ages
Morning Warm Up with Mindy Kaufman: 9:30-10:15am Start your Fair day on a high note! Bring your flute and warm up with flutist and principal piccoloist of the New York Philharmonic Mindy Kaufman.
An Acoustic Knife Edge for your Baroque or Modern Flute: 9:30-10:00am Physicist Kathy Saenger will demonstrate an easy and reversible modification to the flute embouchure hole using a simple piece of tape that can improve the sound of your baroque or modern flute. Maybe it will work for you! Try it and see.
What You Don't Know About Anxiety: 10:30-11:30am Kristen Gygi, specialist in anxiety resolution for performing artists, will reveal 3 key misunderstood characteristics of anxiety and present simple practical tools for resolving your performance stress. Find out what you don't know about anxiety, and make space for a new experience.
Lean On Me: Baroque Ornamentation for Kids: 12:00-12:45pm Garden 2 Join Baroque flute specialist Leela Breithaupt for a fun and engaging workshop. Learn about recognizing and stylistically playing appoggiaturas, mordents, trills, turns, and using vibrato (yes, it’s a Baroque ornament!). Bring your flute!
Baroque Dance for Musicians: 12:45-1:45pm Learn to dance the bourrée, the menuet and other common Baroque dance rhythms. Dancer and dance historian Thomas Baird will teach you how to dance the music you love to play! No experience necessary-- just wear comfortable clothes, and socks or tie on shoes.
Latin American Sounds: 11:45am-12:30pm Warmups set in a South American musical context. Explore and be inspired by new sounds-- for amateurs, students and teachers--with Carmen Marulanda.
The Enduring Thomas Nyfenger: 40 Years Later: 1:00-2:00pm Master teacher Keith Underwood of Mannes and NYU shares ideas from the legacy of Thomas Nyfenger, renowned flutist and pedagogue. Bring your flutes!
Baroque Flute Petting Zoo and Workshop: 2:00-3:00pm Historical flutes performer, Adrianne Greenbaum will host a baroque flute petting zoo for all curious players, young and old, novice on up. She’ll offer tips on tone, air speed and direction, and fingering. Come try out one of her many early wood flutes, singly or for a quick dip in an ensemble!
Deeper Musicianship Through Improvisation: 2:15-3:00pm Discover new freedom of expression and more meaningful communication through improvisation. Jazz/classical flutist and composer Lori Bell presents a workshop for everyone, especially for flutists primarily focused on classical repertoire.
Stories and Insights: How Scholarship Informs Performance: 3:15-4:00pm While flute instruction is often taught separately from studies of music history and theory, the connections between these three disciplines can be both fascinating and indispensable to performers. This presentation by NFA President Kyle Dzapo will offer examples to demonstrate how applicable and helpful historical and analytical knowledge can be.
Balance, Breathing and Tone: 3:15-4:15 pm Creating a vibrant, singing tone requires dynamic, fluid breathing. Certified Alexander Technique teacher and Andover Educator Kimberly Clark will discuss balance and the anatomy of breathing to help flutists achieve a free, effortless tone. Bring your instrument!
Effective Practicing: 4:15-5:15pm Alberto Almarza, faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, will share tips and techniques to achieve results more quickly during your practice. Learn how to solve technical problems and use digital tools for your daily routine.
Fête for Fritz: 4:30-5:30pm A panel and conversation honoring Karl "Fritz" Kraber, the longtime flutist of the acclaimed, groundbreaking Dorian Wind Quintet, moderated by Jayn Rosenfeld. His illustrious career includes international tours with the quintet, commissions from composers including Berio, Henry Brant, Jacob Druckman, and the only Pulitzer prize winning wind quintet, by George Perle, and much more.
Our Flute Fair Presenters
Annual Flute Fair Events
New York Flute Club Competition Finals: 4:00-5:30pm The preliminary round to be held 9:00-12:00 at Manhattan School of Music. Application forms and information are available. For further inquiries, contact competition chair Kaoru Hinata. Applications must be submitted by February 3.
Exhibits: All day, 9:30am-5:30pm Flute vendors and makers, music publishers, and other members of the music industry will exhibit their products. This is the perfect opportunity to shop for a new flute or look for music!
NYFC Table and Tag Sale: All day, 9:30am-5:30pm Lobby Visit the NYFC table for CDs and publications by NYFC members and guest artists. NYFC members may sell up to 10 items (CDs or publications) at the exhibit table. We’ll also have a tag sale of used music and flute-related items; contact Nancy Toff or bring them the morning of the fair and pick up unsold items by 5:30 pm. The NYFC’s own merchandise, including CDs and NYFC flute polishing cloths, will also be for sale. See our flyer for more information.
Ensemble Reading Session: 10:30-11:30am Special guest conductor will be Alberto Almarza of the Carnegie Mellon faculty. Bring your flute, piccolo, alto or bass flute and join in! All are welcome. For more information, please contact ensembles director Mark Vickers.
Raffle: All day, Registration table Win a lesson with Lorna McGhee, principal flute of the Pittsburgh Symphony, faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University, and featured guest artist of the 2013 New York Flute Fair. The lesson will be on Skype or FaceTime (or in person in Pittsburgh) and scheduled at your mutual convenience. Raffle tickets are $5 each, or five for $20
Venue Information
Directions: Click here.
Parking: Street parking is readily available in the area. For further details on blocks available for street parking and rates at local parking lots, check www.nyc.bestparking.com.
Food: There are delis, restaurants, and coffee shops on Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. There will be coffee service at the Faculty House. For a more detailed list of food options, click here.
Flute Fair Co-Chairs:
Mary-Ann Tu
Soo-Kyung Park
Sanae Nakayama
Yeami Kim
Kaoru Hinata