Membership & Support

Fred Marcusa
Corporate Liaison
Corporate Sponsors
Join online or by mail as a corporate sponsor for $125.
Our Corporate Sponsorship model this year remains upgraded and updated to reflect the expanding nature of our relationships with our Membership and the broader flute community. For the same $125 fee as in prior years, the expanded benefits of Corporate Sponsorship include the following:
- listing on the NYFC Website’s Corporate Sponsor page for 12 months (listing includes your name, link to your website, contact info, and short description of your business, as well as a link to your own Corporate Sponsor page on the NYFC Website),
- listing on the NYFC’s printed concert programs for 12 months,
- listing as a Corporate Sponsor in the 2025 Flute Fair Program Book,
- eligibility to display (for no additional charge) a single video relating to your business on your Corporate Sponsor page on the NYFC Website,
- eligibility to become (a) an “Exhibitor” at our Flute Fair or (b) a “Virtual Exhibitor” of videos on our Website (as described below),
- eligibility to become an Advertiser in our printed and online Flute Fair program book,
- admission to every NYFC live monthly concert and program for two guests,
- receipt of the NYFC monthly newsletter, and
- access to the NYFC’s mailing list for advertising products and events at the member rate.
Flute Fair, Sunday – March 30, 2025 – Gary Schocker, Featured Guest Artist
The NYFC 2025 Flute Fair will take place on Sunday, March 30 at the Allen-Stevenson School at 132 East 78th Street in Manhattan. In addition to Mr. Schocker's solo recital, Flute Fair events will include the NYFC 2025 Competition finals and a recital by the winners of the 2025 NYFC Young Musicians Contest. Additionally, we will offer an exciting array of performers, workshops, and more!
Become an Exhibitor at the Flute Fair!
Corporate Sponsors are eligible to become Exhibitors at our Flute Fair (or “Virtual Exhibitors on our website) and be listed as such on the NYFC website and in the Flute Fair program book.
Exhibitors may exhibit and sell instruments, sheet music, recordings, accessories and other items.
Each table in the Exhibition Hall is $100. Virtual Exhibitors pay $100 to upload up to three links to videos on our website, which everyone (including members and non-members) can freely access (as described in the attached Virtual Exhibitor Request form). A Corporate Sponsor can be both an Exhibitor at the Flute Fair and a Virtual Exhibitor.
This year, as indicated above, we are excited to offer again to Corporate Sponsors the opportunity to place ads, with corporate logos, in our Flute Fair program book, which will be printed and given to all Flute Fair attendees and also posted on our website as a downloadable pdf. Our rates are $40 for a quarter page ad, $75 for a half page, $150 for a full inside-page and $225 for an inside or outside back cover. The “Program Advertisement Specifications” document gives the specifications for ads you may place, as well as information about how to place one. Please feel free to call or email me with any questions about ads. The deadline for submitting ads is February 21, 2025.
Click on the links for the forms for becoming a Corporate Sponsor, Flute Fair Exhibitor, Virtual Exhibitor, and/or Advertiser; return the completed forms with a check payable to "The New York Flute Club, Inc." Please respond by February 21, 2025 to ensure your inclusion in the Flute Fair program book. Exhibitor contracts, rules, and instructions are here.
Comments or questions? Please contact corporate liaison Fred Marcusa by phone (917-214-7848) or email (