2022 New York Flute Fair
I Just Wanna Play!

Flute Fair 2022 program chair Deirdre McArdle
Saturday, April 23, 2022 • 9:30 am - 9:30 pm
Guest artist: Valerie Coleman
W83 Ministry Center
150 West 83rd Street
New York, NY 10024
COVID Protocols: Proof of vaccination is required and must be shown at entry; all attendees must wear masks unless playing.
Admission (note that the listed fees include the pre-registration discount)
NYFC member: $40 ($10 higher at the door)
Non-member: $60 ($10 higher at the door)
Full-time student: $25 ($5 higher at the door)
Non-flutist family member attending with a full-time student: $5
Non-flutist guest: $40 ($10 higher at the door)
Senior citizen, age 65+: $25 ($5 higher at the door)
Special teacher rate (requires pre-registration of 3 students): $30
The single fee covers the entire day's events.
Interested in volunteering? Check the "volunteer" box when you register and/or email volunteers@nyfluteclub.org.
A limited number of events will be available remotely. Connection details here.
Presentations by Flute Fair guest artist VALERIE COLEMAN:
MASTERCLASS: Josean Delgado, Kenya Fluker, Sarah Jung, Dennis Rendleman, and Michael Stoica perform works of Reinecke, Griffes, Hanson, Fauré, and Coleman.
GALA CONCERT: Valerie Coleman plays five of her own works
More about Flute Fair guest artist Valerie Coleman: https://www.vcolemanmusic.com/
Watch this space for Flute Fair program updates.
Our Flute Fair Presenters
I Just Wanna Play: All Kinds of Music: Local freelancer Carla Auld will illustrate her eclectic approach to programming in works by Coleman, Piazzolla, and Cohn (NY premiere).
I Just Wanna Play: All the Flutes: The NesterN Duo with Wendy Stern and Kathleen Nester will present a prerecorded concert of duets for various types of flutes by Hotteterre, John Thow, Daniel Dorff, and Henri Kling. Zoom details for remote participants here.
NYC Jazz Flutes Quartet: A concert of new music specifically composed for this quartet played by quartet members Bart Platteau, Jamie Baum, Anders Bostrom, and guest artist Christian Artmann.
Roots: All Sorts of Flutes: Multi-instrumentalist Dave Weiss performs his pieces live with laptop accompaniment and processing.
Playing Basso Continuo: Patricia George on tips on playing the bass flute in a flute choir. Zoom details for remote participants here.
Piston's Flute Sonata in the Age of Anxiety: Allison Kiger on the sonatas form and themes as they reveal the American experience in the 1930s and 2020s. Prerecorded with pianist Christopher Johnson. Zoom details for remote participants here.
I Just Wanna Play: Improvisation: Irwin Hall will introduce the blues as a starting point for all things improvisatory and use the alto flute to illustrate how to apply music theory in real time.
Ensemble Management and Performance Tips from the NY Jazz Flutet: Flutists Chip Shelton, Dotti Anita Taylor, Gene Coleman, and Haruna Fukazawa and percussionist Art Lillard share the secrets of forming a group and staying together.
Circular Breathing: You can do it! And you should! Robert Dick explains the why's and how's of circular breathing, step by step.
Living Just Enough for the City: A Jam Session Survival Guide for Jazz Flutists: David Bertrand on protocols, etiquette, anti-flute bias, and how to fit in with the other horns present.
Repertoire Choices: Avoiding Bias: Lorin Green and Jimmy Walter will talk about equity issues in programming with attention to diversity, representation, individualism, and bias.
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic: Kristen Gygi explains how to develop rock-solid nerves in a changing world.
Positive Performance: Briana Lewis explains how to stay fear free.
DIY Flute Repair: Master flute technician Anne Pollack teaches practical, do-it-yourself remedies for common flute problems. Zoom details for remote participants here. Handout (pdf) here.
New York Flute Club Competition Finals: The NYFC Competition has been recognizing rising artists for more than four decades. Previous winners have gone on to distinguished solo and orchestral careers and teach in top conservatories and colleges. The final round of our 2022 competition for flutists ages 18-27 will be open to Flute Fair attendees.
Young Musicians Contest 2022 Winners Concert: The YMC, first held in 2008, was designed to foster the development of young local flutists ages 8 and under to 18. This year's talented winners are Rose Revekka Nordvig, Avery Misbach, Rebecca Dorneich, Queenie Dai, Meredith Daly, and Emily DeNucci.
Exhibits: Flute vendors and makers, music publishers, and other members of the music industry will exhibit their products. This is the perfect opportunity to shop for a new flute or look for newly published music. Arrangements can be made to test flutes off-site.
NYFC Table & Tag Sale: Visit the NYFC table for CDs and publications by NYFC members and guest artists. NYFC members may sell up to 10 items at the exhibit table. We’ll also have a Tag Sale of used music and flute-related items. Bring your items or donations beginning at noon and pick up unsold items by 5:30 pm. Questions? Contact Nancy Toff at nancy.toff@oup.com.
Adult Ensemble Reading Sessions: NYFC Ensemble directors Denise Koncelik and Mark Vickers will lead an ensemble reading session for adult flutists—a great chance for existing members to reconnect and potential new ones to meet in person. NYFC president Jayn Rosenfeld will conduct a session of classic flute quartets, easy to medium in difficulty. Please bring flutes (stands will be provided).
Raffle: Win a lesson with solo flutist Carol Wincenc. Tickets: $5 or 5 for $20.
Questions? Contact Flute Fair program co-chairs Deirdre McArdle (deirdremcardle49@gmail.com), Jeff Mitchell (jeffreytmitchell@gmail.com), or Nicole Schroeder Raimato (nicole.schro@gmail.com).